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Info bites on the best patisseries, best cafes, the pastry world and expat life in Paris
KL Patisserie, a modern tea room and pastry boutique in the 17th arr.
A contemporary patisserie and tearoom offering excellent seasonal gateaux paired up with gourmet coffee, tea and wines in a cozy and modern
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The other French revolution
The school is over. Competition time for mums in Paris!!
KL Patisserie, a modern tea room and pastry boutique in the 17th arr.
Le Bac Sucré, the annual Parisian festival you can't miss if you love cake
Le Used Book Cafe, a hipsters' spot in the Marais
Featured posts
The other French revolution
The school is over. Competition time for mums in Paris!!
Le Bac Sucré, the annual Parisian festival you can't miss if you love cake
Ocoffeeshop, a little miracle of an Aussie cafe brings cool vibes to the 15th arr.
Karamel Paris: an ode to caramel
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